Personal Stories and Musings
A consideration of the experience of belonging that was inspired during at the
This piece explores my experiences and philosophies on Death as brought about during a lamb harvest. The harvest was part of a Nature Connection program called Ways of the Wild, with Earthkin Wilderness School.
An exploration of the philosophical and spiritual models that make up my worldview and how they all came crashing together through ceremony to teach me what it means to be devoted.
This piece covers my perspective on the Psychedelic Renaissance and includes important consideration for all those entering the space.
Psilocybin is the focal point of in my contemplation as this was originally commissioned for
Moment Mushrooms. You can click here for a simplified and less esoteric version (stand by).
Photo is post Peyote Ceremony.
A telling of an Uncoupling Ceremony that served as an alternative to the classic breakup; the intention was to honor and transition a romantic relationship into a friendship, and be witnessed and held by others in doing so. This was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.
This is a transcription of a talk that I gave before a workshop in 2019. It speaks to the importance of psycho-spiritual healing for a fulfilled life of greater connection. This is foundationally the motivation for the work that I do.
In 2019 I was honored to receive a scholarship for the Aubrey Marcus, Fit For Service Mastermind. At the end of the year I wrote this piece of an ode to my tribe and the lessons I had learnt.
This is an experience that ensued after spending 10 hours on a rock wall in Squamish. It was an introspective moment that eventually lead me to create this service.