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Retreat Agreement and
Liability Release Waiver

I understand that Kyle Dow is certified as a Psycho-Spiritual Integration Coach, and holds no other certifications; he is not a counselor or therapist. Kyle works to support you as a Guide and Consultant. Everything discussed with Kyle will be in complete confidentiality, unless there is potential for harm. 


Kyle Dow has full intention to work under the principles of Do No Harm. His primary objective is to support you as you explore your Emotional and Spiritual health. The responsibility to “heal” or improve your wellbeing is yours and yours alone; Kyle will be fully present during sessions to help you navigate this process. 


In exploring your inner landscape there may be information or realizations that can be unsettling; While the intention of working together is to improve holistic wellbeing, there is a small chance that you may experience greater challenges in any area of wellness. In signing this agreement you are assuming full responsibility for any outcome from working with Kyle. 

Kyle does not assume any liability for your health or wellness, in any circumstance, including from third parties that he may refer you to. 


Kyle Dow and Connection Integration Services contract in private, directly with clients; all exchanges, monetary and other, are strictly confidential and only the business of the parties involved in the contract. This agreement is solely between you and Kyle Dow, no third party, corporation or entity may intervene. 

I hereby agree that by signing this document, I consent to waive certain legal rights, including the right to sue Kyle Dow, Bradley Samuels, Agder Sanchez Palacios, Eva Evers, Micaela Carron, any owners of the land where the retreat is hosted, and, if applicable, its employees, owners, officers, directors, representatives, agents, volunteers and facilitators from any physical, material, tangible or intangible, loss or damages that may happen to me during my participation in the Retreat.


I will be voluntarily participating in the Retreat that will be conducted by the Organizer. The Retreat may include, but is not limited to, the "Retreat Activities" described above.


ASSUMPTION OF RISK. I understand and am aware that my participation in the Retreat involves risks. These risks may lead to tangible or intangible harm, and I agree that they may result not only from my own actions but also from the actions of others. With the knowledge and understanding of these risks, I choose, of my own will and volition, to participate in the Retreat.


I am also aware that there are risks that I may not have considered, yet I waive my right to any claims that may occur from these unconsidered risks and I choose, of my own will and volition, to participate in the Retreat.


COVENANT NOT TO SUE. I will not start any lawsuit or other court action against the Organizer, nor will I join any such proceeding, including any claim for money damages. I acknowledge and agree that I am entering a covenant not to sue the Organizer in any capacity, including to hold the Organizer liable for any injury, loss, or damage sustained by me or my property, even if it is due to the Organizer's negligence or omission. I also waive the right of any of my insurers' to make any such claim.


INDEMNIFICATION: I agree to defend and indemnify the Organizer and any of its affiliates (if applicable) and hold them harmless against any and all legal claims and demands, including reasonable attorney's fees, which may arise from or relate to my participation in the Retreat or my conduct or actions. I agree that the Organizer shall be able to select its own legal counsel and may participate in its own defense, if desired.

The use of psychedelics cannot be combined with several medications such as antidepressant, beta-blockers as well as medication for blood pressure. These are a potential danger to your health. If you use medication, you need to inform us in advance as well as mentioning this to your therapist and/or doctor about combining your medication and psychedelics. The use of medication with psychedelics is your responsibility. We cannot be held responsible for this whatsoever. 

If you’re undergoing treatment by a therapist and/or psychiatrist, we expect you to discuss your retreat participation and not to break any agreements with them.

If you have been diagnosed with psychiatric indications such as borderline, schizophrenia and psychosis, please discuss your participation in a Vaaiga retreat with your psychologist and/or doctor in advance. We will need a written declaration of approval by your therapist and/or doctor to accept you on one of our ceremonies.


If you have been diagnosed or believe you might suffer from high blood pressure, heart problems, you are pregnant, or are breastfeeding, please consult your doctor before attending our retreats.


REPRESENTATION: I am over 18 (eighteen) years of age, and am emotionally, medically, and physically able to participate in the Retreat.


I have read the above Retreat Waiver fully and I understand and agree to its contents. I understand and agree that by signing this Retreat Waiver I forfeit any right, claim, or ability to hold the Organizer responsible for any tangible or intangible damages, loss of property, or loss of life that may occur during or after my use of the facilities and participation in the Retreat.

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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