LIFE Support
Consulting and Guidance
Psychospirtual Integration Coach (Being True to You)
Emotional and Spiritual Wellness
Internal Family Systems, Core Wounds, Non-Violent Communication
5 week Online Program to
Alleviate Suffering -
A journey of Self Discovery
Greater Meaning, Fulfillment, Self-Love and Creativity
Philosophical and Psychological tools for Resilience
Speaking and Facilitation
Facilitator of Self Discovery
Nature Connection
Authentic Relating
Key Note Speaker
Meaning and Fulfillment
Wellness and Connection
I am incredibly grateful for the guidance that Kyle has given me in the integration of a personal psychedelic experience.
I felt an intimate and brotherly connection that opened up space to be witnessed deeply to the core of my being. It is an experience that I hold as sacred that allowed the emergence of more embodied authenticity and empowerment, as well as the honoring of my story and life purpose.
I felt a compassionate and trustworthy guidance to navigate the depths of my psyche, and deep nourishment from the various meditation and embodied exercises that were invited.
LUCA, Integration Client